St. Mary’s participates in Empower Illinois.
Please contact the school office for more information.

St. Mary’s Athletic Booster Raffle Don’t miss the chance to win CASH every month
Do You Shop on Amazon? We are a member of Amazon Smile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases. Use the button to to the left donate to St. Mary’s.

Shoparoo Fundraising App
- Download the app on to your device
- Follow the screen instructions
- Select St. Mary’s School
- Snap pictures of your receipts
Shoparoo automatically credits the points to St. Mary’s School. We will receive a check in August from the points accumulated.

Turn your Casey’s Rewards Points into money for St. Mary’s Download the Casey’s app and type in 61548 and save St. Mary’s as your school

Our school earns CASH with General Mills BoxTops App
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. With the Box Tops for Education app, you can turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. Here’s how:
– BUY the Box Tops products you already know and love
– SCAN your receipt so that your Box Tops purchases are recognized
– EARN cash for your school, based on your eligible purchases
Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!