Parent Teacher Organization

A critical part of St. Mary’s School community is the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). This dedicated group of parents and teachers organize and sponsor many events throughout the year which supports the education of our children. This is done through fundraising, providing enrichment programs for students, hosting social activities, organizing faculty, staff, and volunteer appreciation programs, and coordinating school improvement activities.

All parents are members of the PTO and are encouraged to attend the meetings on a regular basis. Parent input is valuable and it is through parent support that the PTO can be successful in providing for our school.


  • Welcome Back to School Night
  • Family Mentoring Program
  • Room Parents/Class Parties
  • Catholic Schools Week
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Volunteer Appreciation Week
  • Field Day
  • Script Fundraiser
  • Old Settlers Day Food Tent 

Class Party Sign-Ups

Lunch Room Sign-Ups

Carnival & Chili Supper Sign-Ups